My Projects.

Here are some of my best projects, where I've applied my skills to create effective and innovative solutions. Below are some of my best projects; you can find more on my GitHub profile.

ByteBattles - Competitive Programming Platform

Java Java
Springboot Springboot
Nginx Nginx
React.js React.js

ByteBattles: Solve, compete, and get personalized problem recommendations based on topic accuracy. Admins manage testcases, problems and contests.

ByteBattles main page screenshot

Anubhav बांटें - DuHacks3.0 Hackathon (11th rank)

Java Java
Springboot Springboot
Nginx Nginx
React.js React.js

Built at Duhacks3.0 "Anubhav बांटें" provides a platform where students can learn from the experiences of alumni who have successfully navigated through placement interviews.

Anubhav बांटें main page screenshot

Faculty of Technology - Backend

Java Java
Springboot Springboot
Spring Security Spring Security

Developed a platform for HoD to monitor faculties, labs, and classrooms with role-based access control using Spring Security. Documented APIs with Swagger OpenAPI.

Faculty of Technology - Backend main image

Want to learn more? Check out my Resume.

Download Resume